is google url shortener free

Is Google URL Shortener Free – Best Alternatives


URL shorteners have become your go-to tools in this gen-z era

Whether you’re sharing links on social media, in marketing campaigns, or simply trying to declutter your URLs, a good URL shortener such as can make a huge difference.

In this guide, we’ll explore the most well-known tool Google URL Shortener.

We’ll explore its features, how to use it, and address the burning question:

is Google URL Shortener free?


The Rise and Fall of

Introduced in 2009, Google URL Shortener quickly became a favourite tool for many.

It wasn’t just about shortening URLs; it also provided users with analytics, tracking the number of clicks, geographical locations of the clicks, and the referrers.

This added value made it an exceptional tool for marketers and everyday users alike.

google url shortener login

Source: Google trends

However, in March 2018, Google announced that it would be discontinuing the service, phasing it out in favour of Firebase Dynamic Links.

Existing users could continue to use the service until March 2019, after which it was permanently shut down.


Why Did Google Shut It Down?

The discontinuation of Google URL Shortener was part of Google’s strategy to focus on Firebase Dynamic Links, which offered more advanced features for deep linking and user engagement tracking, catering to the growing needs of mobile app developers and marketers.


Free Alternatives to Google Short URL

Since the discontinuation of, several alternatives have emerged, offering similar and even more features. Here are a few worth considering:


Known for its free analytics and customization options, Shortifyme remains a top choice for URL shortening.





A simple, no-frills URL shortener that has stood the test of time.


Offers advanced branding options, allowing users to create custom short URLs with their domain.


What is Google URL Shortener?

Google URL Shortener, often referred to as, was a popular service provided by Google that allowed users to take long URLs and convert them into short, manageable links.

This service was useful for those who needed to share links on platforms with character limits, such as Twitter, or for creating cleaner links in online marketing campaigns.


How to Use Google URL Shortener

Though Google URL Shortener is no longer available, its legacy and functionality remain important for understanding URL shorteners.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how it was used and how you can apply similar methods with current tools.

Step 1: Access the Service

Initially, users would visit the Google URL Shortener website or use the service via the Google Chrome extension.

Once there, users had to log in using their Google account, providing an integration with other Google services.

Step 2: Shorten Your URL

After logging in, users could paste the long URL they wanted to shorten into the provided field.

With a single click, Google URL Shortener would generate a shortened URL, typically starting with ““.

Step 3: Share and Track

The shortened URL could then be copied and shared across various platforms.

Users could track the performance of their links through their Google account, accessing detailed analytics such as click counts, traffic sources, and user demographics.


Is Google URL Shortener Free on Chrome?

It was free. Users could shorten URLs and access basic analytics without any cost.

However, with the service now defunct, users must look to Shortifyme free chrome extension .


Google URL Shortener Alternative Login

For those seeking similar functionality, here’s how you can log in and use the current popular alternative:


Create an account using your email address.

Once logged in, you can start shortening URLs and accessing free analytics.


How to Use Google URL Shortener Alternative on Chrome

While Google URL Shortener is no longer available, users previously enjoyed the convenience of using it directly from the Chrome browser.

Here’s how it was done and how you can achieve similar functionality with Shortifyme.

Install the Chrome Extension

Users would install the extension from the Chrome Web Store.

Shorten URLs with One Click

Clicking the extension icon in the browser’s toolbar allowed users to instantly shorten the current page’s URL.

Copy and Share

The shortened URL could be copied to the clipboard with a single click, ready to be shared.


Is Google URL Shortener Free – Conclusion

While Google URL Shortener may have been discontinued, its legacy lives on through various alternatives that continue to offer features for users.


What is Google URL Shortener –  FAQs


Does Google still have a URL shortener in 2024?

As of 2024, Google no longer offers a URL shortener service. The original Google URL Shortener ( was discontinued in March 2019, and users are now directed to alternatives like Shortifyme for advanced link management and tracking.

Is Google URL shortener better than Bitly in 2018?

In 2018, Google URL Shortener was favoured for its integration with Google services while Bitly was preferred for its customization options and more detailed tracking capabilities. The choice between them often depended on user needs and preferences.

How do I access Google URL shortener alternative?

To access alternatives to Google URL Shortener, you can use ShortifyMe


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