free url shortener api

20 Best Free URL Shortener API – How to Create Your Own Link Shortener API


What if you could take a step further in your digital marketing and leverage the power of a free URL shortener API?

Sounds intriguing, right?

Let’s dive into the link shortener API and explore how you can use URL shortener service API to take your online presence to the next level.


Why Use a Free URL Shortener API

Now, you might be wondering, “Why should I use a URL shortener free API instead of just a free URL shortener tool?”

Well, let’s break it down.

A URL shortener API free allows you to automate the link-shortening process.

This means you can integrate URL shortening into your own applications or systems.

It’s like having a magic wand that transforms URLs with a single wave of code!


20 Best Free API URL Shortener

Here are some of the best free URL shortener with API you can use:


ShortifyMe API

ShortifyMe is a household name in URL shortening.

Our API offers many features, including detailed analytics and custom branding options.

The free tier is quite generous, but if you need more advanced features, there are paid plans available.



TinyURL is another popular choice, known for its simplicity.

The TinyURL API allows you to shorten links quickly without the need for complex integrations.


Bitly API

Bitly focuses on branded links, making it ideal for businesses looking to enhance their brand visibility.

The free tier offers basic features, while more advanced options are available in paid plans. API offers an easy API for shortening URLs. It also includes basic analytics and the ability to monetize your links. Perfect for personal use or small businesses.



T2M provides unlimited URL shortening with detailed analytics.

The free version offers essential features, with more advanced options available for a fee.


Linkvertise API

Linkvertise is a URL shortener with a focus on monetization.

The API allows users to shorten links and earn money from them.

It also provides basic analytics and is a popular choice for those looking to monetize their traffic.


Polr API

Polr is an open-source URL shortener that you can host yourself.

Its API allows for custom short URLs and includes basic analytics.

It’s a good option if you want control over your URL shortening service. API offers advanced analytics and link management features.

Their API is designed for businesses needing detailed performance insights and advanced link tracking capabilities. API, part of the Hootsuite suite of tools, provides URL shortening with comprehensive analytics.

The API integrates well with social media platforms, making it ideal for social media marketers.


ClickMeter API

ClickMeter provides URL shortening with advanced tracking features.

The API offers detailed performance metrics and link management tools, making it suitable for users needing in-depth analytics. API offers a straightforward URL shortening service with a simple API.

It’s easy to use and provides basic features for users who need a no-fuss solution for shortening links. API provides URL shortening with branding options.

The API allows for custom short URLs and detailed analytics, catering to both individual users and businesses seeking enhanced branding.


URL Shortener by Zapier

Zapier’s URL Shortener integrates with other Zapier apps.

The API is easy to use and automate, making it a good choice for users who want to integrate URL shortening into their workflow.


Sniply API

Sniply offers URL shortening with a focus on adding custom call-to-actions to shortened links.

The API includes analytics and is useful for users looking to drive engagement through their shortened URLs.


Linkly API

Linkly provides URL shortening with tracking and analytics features.

The API allows for custom short links and detailed performance insights, making it a versatile choice for marketers and businesses.



JotURL offers a comprehensive URL shortening service with advanced tracking and analytics.

The API includes features for link management and branding, ideal for users needing robust performance metrics.


Pretty Links API

Pretty Links provides URL shortening with a focus on branding and tracking.

The API allows for custom short URLs and detailed analytics, making it a great tool for WordPress users and marketers.


Shorte API

Shorte provides a simple URL shortening service with basic tracking features.

The API is easy to integrate and suitable for users needing a basic tool without complex features.


Clkim API

Clkim offers URL shortening with advanced tracking features.

The API includes options for custom short links and detailed performance analytics, making it a good choice for users seeking extensive tracking capabilities.


Google URL Shortener API

Google’s URL shortener was discontinued, but if you’re using old links, you might still see benefits from its past features.

It was known for its ease of use and integration with Google services.


Free URL Shortener API Reddit

Looking for the best free URL shortener API discussed on Reddit?

The Reddit community often shares valuable insights and recommendations about various free url shortener api.


Privacy-friendly URL Shortener?
byu/Snorlax_lax inPrivacyGuides

Users frequently discuss free URL shortener APIs like Bitly, highlighting their customization and monetization options.


any simple API that I can use to shorten links?
byu/qualinto inwebdev

For real-world feedback and up-to-date recommendations, checking Reddit threads and discussions can provide honest reviews and usage tips from other developers and marketers. Explore these discussions to find an API that best fits your needs!


Free URL Shortener API Java

Here’s an example using the API in Java:

import org.json.JSONObject;

public class URLShortener {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String longUrl = “”;

URL url = new URL(“”);
HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
conn.setRequestProperty(“Content-Type”, “application/json”);
conn.setRequestProperty(“Authorization”, “Bearer ” + accessToken);

JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
json.put(“destination”, longUrl);
json.put(“domain”, new JSONObject().put(“fullName”, “”));

try (OutputStream os = conn.getOutputStream()) {
byte[] input = json.toString().getBytes(“utf-8”);
os.write(input, 0, input.length);

System.out.println(“Shortened URL: ” + conn.getInputStream());


Free URL Shortener API Python

Here’s a simple example of how to use the ShortifyMe API in Python:

import requests

def shorten_url(long_url):
access_token = ‘YOUR_ShortifyMe_ACCESS_TOKEN’
headers = {‘Authorization’: f’Bearer {access_token}’, ‘Content-Type’: ‘application/json’}
data = {‘long_url’: long_url}
response =‘’, headers=headers, json=data)
return response.json().get(‘link’)

long_url = ‘’
short_url = shorten_url(long_url)
print(f’Shortened URL: {short_url}’)


Free URL Shortener API Github

Here’s a quick example using the TinyURL API:

const axios = require(‘axios’);

const shortenUrl = async (longUrl) => {
try {
const response = await‘’, {
url: longUrl
}, {
headers: {
‘Authorization’: ‘Bearer YOUR_TINYURL_ACCESS_TOKEN’
} catch (error) {

const longUrl = ‘’;
shortenUrl(longUrl).then(shortUrl => console.log(`Shortened URL: ${shortUrl}`));


How to Choose the Best Free URL Shortener with API

With so many options available, choosing the best free URL shortener API can feel overwhelming.

Here’s a guide to help you navigate through the choices:

1. Evaluate the Features

Different APIs offer different features.

Some provide detailed analytics, while others focus on simple URL shortening.

Think of it as choosing a car: some models are packed with features like GPS and leather seats, while others are straightforward and reliable.

2. Check the Documentation

Good documentation is essential.

It’s like having a user manual for a complex gadget—clear, comprehensive guides make all the difference.

3. Consider the Limits

Free APIs often come with usage limits.

These limits could be the number of URLs you can shorten per day or the maximum length of the URL. Ensure the limits align with your needs.

4. Look for Customization Options

Do not overlooked the customization for branding.

Look for APIs that allow you to create custom short links or branded domains.

5. Review Community Feedback

Feedback from other users can be incredibly valuable.

Check forums, Reddit threads, and reviews to see what others are saying about the API.

It’s like asking friends for recommendations before buying a product.


Free URL Shortener API –  Conclusion

Using a free link shortener API can enhance your online operations.

Whether you’re automating link shortening in your applications, customizing branded URLs, or simply managing your links, these APIs offer a range of benefits.

So, roll up your sleeves, pick an API, and start shortening those URLs with ease!


URL Shortener Service API – FAQs


Are there any limitations to using a URL shortener free API?

Yes, URL shortener API free often come with limitations such as usage caps, restricted features, or reduced support.


Can I track the performance of my free API url shortener?

Yes, ShortifyMe offers analytics and tracking features, allowing you to monitor click-through rates, geographic data, and other metrics.


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